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E2-X™ Anti-Aromatase | Anti-Estrogen

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Increased Androstenedione | Increased Testosterone | Reduced Estrogen

Benefits of using E2-X 

- reduced estrogen production across the board
- increased libido (sex drive) for most users
- noticeable reduction in abdominal fat
- an improved muscle-to-fat ratio in the chest area of men
- reduced lower back fat accumulation
- a “turbo charging” effect when used with herbal test boosters (any)
- a “turbo charging” effect when used on HRT/TRT (hormone replacement therapy)
- “dryer” looking muscles with less water retention between the skin and the muscle
- harder, more defined muscle bellies
- a two phased attack on estrogen, prevention and beneficial estrogen production
- no “experimental” anti-estrogen compounds never consumed by humans
- highly effective at only one or two capsule per day
- great on cycle and during PCT
- stacks extremely well with DIESEL TEST and Raw Test
- great for use while cutting
- contains no stimulants
- increased vascularity
- increased pumps while training
- increased levels of androstenedione and testosterone
- reduced levels of E1 (Estrone) and E2 (Estradiol)

Estrogen: the women’s testosterone but the male’s kryptonite

Manufactured from testosterone, Estrogen or E2 is the main estrogen compound in the human body. Estrogen’s production is unavoidable and scares many men especially those who have used testosterone related hormones or test boosters in the past. Naturally the more testosterone your body has circulating (natural or synthetic), the more estrogen you will have circulating.  As testosterone increases, body fat tends to decrease which correlates to a lower testosterone to estrogen ratio but you will still produce more estrogen (ng for ng). Less body fat will decrease the amount of aromatase enzymes in your body, but it will not necessarily decrease the amount of testosterone that is aromatized to estrogen. If you go from three chefs in your kitchen to two, that doesn’t mean you will produce less meals per hour in that kitchen. The other two chefs will just need to work harder. Once androstenedione and  testosterone is produced or introduced synthetically to the body, it either stays testosterone, or is converted (aromatized) to estrogen by the aromatase enzyme. This process happens in fat cells, predominately those located around your waist area. The more testosterone you have, the more estrogen you will produce (not the more aromatase enzyme being produced, but the higher the aromatase activity).


So you’re training hard, you’re eating right, taking your supplements and you wonder, well why would my body want to make more estrogen, if it doesn’t need more estrogen? The body is more complex than can ever be explained in this write up. For instance, training with heavy weight increases testosterone output, but it also increases cortisol which is one of your body’s self-made anti-inflammatory compounds. Cortisol also releases fat for energy during times of stress (more on this later). Cortisol is produced in pulses, so under high physical or mental stress situation your body will purse or “surge” its cortisol levels. What does this have to do with estrogen and E2-X? Cortisol surges increase abdominal fat storage. So the more body fat you have, the more estrogen you have because the more fat you have, the more aromatase enzymes you have. I have always had a theory of why very large and strong powerlifters and strongmen/women tend to be “husky.” It’s like for most people the heavier you lift, the “bigger” you get all around. Heavy lifting, training hard and overtraining will increase cortisol production, which increases fat stores, which increase aromatase enzyme levels. The use of pro-steroids, testosterone, and even herbal test booster will increase estrogen. Some test boosters like GET DIESEL’s DIESEL TEST Hardcore and DIESEL TEST Pro-cycle contain DIM (a broccoli enzyme found in E2-X), but as you will learn later, DIM helps reduce bad estrogen, influencing the production of beneficial estrogen. The special part about this is DIM doesn’t stop estrogen from being produced; it helps prevent excess bad estrogen.

Reducing bad estrogen can only take you so far. To eradicate high estrogen, you have to block estrogen from being made in the first place. You have to go after the aromatase enzyme. This is where E2-X comes in. E2-X works in two phases.

E2-X Phase 1 – Block Aromatase

The first phase is designed to stop estrogen formation by blocking the aromatase enzyme (responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen). This phase uses Acacetin (5,7-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone); a natural anti-aromatase enzyme found in the Damiana plant which has been long used for its libido boosting properties by women.

Look at it this way. If you are trying to stop in from raining an anti-aromatase would prevent clouds from forming all together. I don’t want to say “prevent” because even the strongest anti-aromatase drugs such as Femara (letrozole) and Arimidex (anastrozole) will not completely prevent all estrogen formation, and nor do not want it to. Estrogen is needed for many functions in the female body, but in the male body, beneficial estrogen (2-hydroxy) have been shown to decrease body fat in mice (I have to find this study) amongst other things. Estrogen also plays a role in libido (sex drive) and is a large contributor to weight gain. Yes too low estrogen equals weight gain…too high estrogen equals weight gain.  Estrogen is also needed for strong bones. In a study in the UK, 400 men with test levels under 300 ng/dl (nanograms per deciliter) were either given synthetic testosterone, or synthetic testosterone AND an anti-aromatase drug. The group that received the testosterone and the anti-aromatase showed significantly higher reductions in body fat, significantly less erectile dysfunction and higher sex drive (1).

Back to Acacetin. This naturally occurring compound is one of over 20 enzymes in the Damiana plant that has anti-aromatase activity. The wonderful thing about Acacetin is of the 20 enzymes identified in a study, it was the one that provided the highest anti-aromatase activity with no estrogenic activity (2).

With anti-aromatase enzymes you are potentially dealing with a risk and reward system. They can block the formation of estrogen but to the human body, structurally some are so similar to estrogen, they can increase estrogen activity. It may be a little confusing but it’s like a crooked cop. They can prevent crime, and they can also increase crime.  Often users of anti-aromatase supplements notice increased estrogenic activity with high estrogen symptoms. Acacetin is a potent anti-aromatase found in nature that has no estrogenic activity.  It will not block estrogen formation (anti-aromatase) and then turn around and be used as estrogen by the body as with most other natural compounds that show promise as an anti-aromatase.

E2-X™ also contains Acacetin because for one it’s been around and consumed for many years as Damiana was a popular female libido booster in the 90’s. This isn’t some “grey area” compound discovered 2 weeks ago that we are rushing to be first to market with. That’s one of the reasons why GET DIESEL has not had an anti-estrogen product until now.  We have been the industry leader in effective herbal test boosters for over 10 years, but we have never made an anti-estrogen product because we wanted it to contain a natural anti-aromatase enzyme WITH NO estrogenic activity. In addition, Acacetin was show to be a promising aid in fighting rheumatoid arthritis which means it can also benefit joints because of its anti-inflammatory properties (3).

Phase 2 – Reduce “bad” Estrogen

The 2nd phase of the E2-X effectiveness is DIM (Diindolylmethane). DIM is made from Indole-3-Carbinol which comes from broccoli. Indole-3-Carbinol has a very low absorption and effective rate and is used often over DIM in supplements because it is at least 1/3 the cost of DIM. Most anti-aromatase products are only that. Formulated to block estrogen formation, but as previously stated, your body will not allow you to completely block estrogen formation, and what is produced can either be 16-hydroxy estrogens (bad estrogens) or good 2-hydroxy estrogens. DIM increased the production of 2-hydroxy estrogens and reduced bad estrogen. E2-X is formulated to reduced increased estrogen formation when test levels go up, or to reduce medium to high estrogen, AND it is also formulated to increase the production of beneficial 2-hydroxy estrogens.

No other anti-estrogen product combines the effects of a potent anti-aromatase such as Acacetin with a high amount (over 140mg per capsule) of highly bioavailable DIM in one capsule.

Other products online will run $40+ for the anti-aromatase product, then you have to spend another $35- $40 a month on a DIM product.  GET DIESEL has been using DIM since 2005 in DIESEL TEST and actually used it in a few runs of DIESEL FUEL (fat burner) pre-2005. We know DIM, and we know how to enhance its bioavailability and what is an effective dose of it.

If you are over 35 years old, on test boosters or hormones, in PCT, or have body fat over 8%, you can benefit from using E2-X (and you are a male). Athletes that train at a high level or everyday people exposed to high levels of mental or physical stress can benefit from E2-X because it helps to reduce the increases in estrogen production caused by spikes in cortisol (stress hormone).

E2-X can also be consumed by women after consulting a physician and proper test have been performed to identify estrogen dominance.


The Estrogen Problem

As stated earlier, estrogen is needed for joint and bone health as well as libido (sex drive). Too much estrogen will cause a bloated look, weight gain, water retention, higher body fat, and has been linked to diabetes and high blood lipid levels. Even worse, estrogen is the primary fuel source for tumors and cancer cells. Now we are in no way promoting this as an anti-cancer supplement or drug, you just should be aware the higher your estrogen levels, the more of a beneficial environment your body is for the growth of cancer cells.  With increased testosterone, comes increased estrogen. If you are taking test shots or increasing testosterone naturally by training hard or with supplements you will produce more estrogen. It doesn’t have as much to do with aromatase as much as it has to do with how aromatase works. Think of aromatase as a car wash sitting in fat cells. The more cars that enter and leave a car wash, the more dirty cars you have converted to clean ones. The more cars (testosterone) that come in, the more estrogen will leave (clean cars).  Actually it’s more like a tornado destroying houses in its path because you want a clean car. If a tornado (aromatase) is going to destroy 1 square mile of area it doesn’t matter how many homes (testosterone) is in the way, they all are probably getting destroyed. More homes do not mean you need more tornados to destroy them.

The Cortisol Relation

The higher you boost your testosterone levels by heavy and or frequent weight training, the more you will produce cortisol. An increase in cortisol (stress hormone/anti-inflammatory) alone or with higher test levels will increase estrogen at an even faster rate than testosterone alone because cortisol increases mid-section fat. Cortisol does this because it causes fat to be released (triglycerides) in to the blood.  To reduce this “free circulating fat” (if not used as energy) your body redeposits the circulating fat the easiest around the mid-section. Cortisol is released in pulses. When you are stressed either at work, at home or during training, cortisol is pulsed much like how adrenaline is released to help you deal with the stress. Remember, the body’s favorite energy source is fat. Fat gives you 2x the calories for energy over carbohydrates. If you train hard, combined with less than ideal hours of sleep, added to everyday life stress, every time your cortisol shoots up, you are probably producing more belly fat.

Remember aromatase lives in fat cells, especially mid-section fat.
It’s almost like unless you have less than 5% body fat; your test boosting stack should start with an anti-estrogen product like E2-X
and build from there. Even if you use an effective test booster like DIESEL TEST Hardcore, Procycle or Raw Test, you will produce more estrogen. Now DIESEL TEST (both forms) contains DIM to help reduce the formation of bad estrogen, but you still will produce more estrogen because they increase testosterone. It’s not necessarily a good idea to add an anti-aromatase to a test booster (in one product), because everyone does not need to be on an anti-aromatase at the same dosage ratio to their test booster. With E2-X you can customize its use, or even use it between cycles of DIESEL TEST or Raw Test as a bridge supplement.  You also may be in a situation where you want lower estrogen, not necessarily sky high testosterone. If you think your hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or test boosters are giving you great results, wait until you add E2-X to them!

Signs of high estrogen levels

- Difficulty losing body fat, especially in the mid-section
- Disproportional weight gain, as in all to your mid-section
- Lower back fat to proportional to upper back fat (tire)
- Low muscle definition at an “average” to low body fat
- You notice less muscle hardness than when you were younger
- Gynecomastia aka “man boobs” or “b**** tits”
- Reduced erectile frequency (4)


(1) Alexander, B. (2013). Men need ‘female’ hormone for sex drive, fat control: study. NBC News. Retrieved from: http://www.nbcnews.com/health/mens-health/men-need-female-hormone-sex-drive-fat-control-study-f8C11132419

(2) J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Dec 8;120(3):387-93. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2008.09.016. Epub 2008 Sep 26.

(3) J Cell Mol Med. 2015 Aug;19(8):1910-1915. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.12564. Epub 2015 Apr 9.

(4) Int J Impot Res. 2003 Feb;15(1):38-43.

5 Stars
Harder & More Vascular
I am a regular user of this product. I have gone through about 3 bottles now of the Get Diesel E2-X supplement. I have cycled this on and off since it came out and I can tell you when I am on, my muscles feel and look harder, my vascularity is more pronounced and I just plain "Feel Good". Low Libido has never been a problem for me, but I swear it is in high gear when I am on this (ask my wife). I believe this should be a staple in any serious bodybuilders supplement plan.
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Reviewed by:  from Carlisle, PA. on 2/14/2016

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